
Question of the day


Mr Whaleoil is on his usual "gay" marriage jag again today. Three posts and counting

The meme he is trying to establish, through repetition,  is that marriage has nothing to do with reproduction of the human species.

When of course it has everything to do with reproduction.

As a people, as a society the most important thing we undertake is the raising of the generations to succeed us.

Cultures and peoples who are good at this survive and those that aren't die out!

Monogamous marriage where a man and a woman are bound together has proved to be, through the ages the most effective way for a society to manage the rearing of children.

For the most part children raised in this manner prosper and those who have the misfortune not to be raised by their mother and father do not do so well. The evidence for this, both contemporary and historical is unequivocable.

Try putting it forward and you will be shouted down with non sensical non sequiturs though.

Logic and facts were never the left's strong point - empty theatre and emotion is how they work.

But the fundamental meaning of marriage needs to be changed - for reasons that nobody can articulate.

And when the change comes to New Zealand it will be fronted by Louisa Wall, she will put her face to it,

Can anyone figure out why it will be Louisa Wall, providing the face for "gay" marriage and not someone like Charles Chauvel?


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