
English blogger under scrutiny by Government Watchdog


Freedom of thought and freedom of speech is under sustained attack by the forces of "progress".

To be sure I think it is not the forces of "progress" at play here, rather the forces of Darkness.

Whatever the source the blogger under the spotlight is Archbishop Cramner and the thing that bought him to the attention of the authorities is an advertisement he ran on his blog, a still from which appears on the left.

He writes

Apparently there have been a number of complaints about one of the advertisements His Grace carried on behalf of the Coalition for Marriage. He has been sent all manner of official papers, formal documentation and threatening notices which demand answers to sundry questions by a certain deadline. He is instructed by the ‘Investigations Executive’ of this inquisition to keep all this confidential.

Since His Grace does not dwell in Iran, North Korea, Soviet Russia, Communist China or Nazi Germany, but occupies a place in the cyber-ether suspended somewhere between purgatory and paradise, he is minded to ignore that request. Who do these people think they are?

For your edification the advertisement, which some of the complainers claim is "homophobic" is reproduced below.


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